Our Values

Our Badge "The Royal Rangers star" defines the values โ€‹โ€‹of a Royal Rangers. The different colored spikes have the following meaning:

                                                   RR Star

Four areas of growth:

  1. Physical
  2. Spiritual
  3. Mental
  4. Social

Basic truths of the Church:

  1. Salvation through the blood of Jesus
  2. The working of the Holy Spirit
  3. Healing
  4. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ 

Eight characteristics of a Royal Ranger:

  1. Alert - Mentally, physically and spiritually alert
  2. Clean - Clean in body, mind and speech
  3. Honest - Does not lie, cheat or steal
  4. Courageous - In spite of danger or criticism
  5. Loyal - Is faithfull to his/her church, family, outposts and friends
  6. Courteous - Is polite, kind and thoughtful
  7. Obedient - Obeys their parents, leaders and those in authority
  8. Spiritual - Prays, reads the Bible, worships and testifies of Jesus Christ

โ€‹The Golden Rule

“In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.”
Matthew 7: 12


The Motto

"Are you ready? Always Ready!"
Ready to work, play, serve and obey.
Ready to read the bible and pray,
worship and testify of Jesus today.

The Royal Rangers Pledge

“With God’s help, I will do my best to serve God, my church and my fellowmen; to live by the Royal Ranger Code and to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.” 

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