2. RR Bulembu

In 2010, we were invited to start Royal Rangers in the town of Bulembu in Swaziland. 

Bulembu is a town which is dedicated to serve and minister to orphans, abused and neglected children. They have approximately 350 children living in the town in little safehouses with a house mother.

Our emphasis is on enriching the lives of the children in Swaziland and working to equip them to be the future leaders of this nation using the Royal Ranger programme.

Since Royal Rangers started in 2010, the amount of Royal Rangers in Bulembu has grown to 200 participants in 2015 (all four age groups).
e have had great testimonies of transformation and renewed purpose especially among the young leaders (15-19 year olds) who participate in Rangers. They now see, that they can also make a difference in the lives of other children and they have been enabled to sow into the next genereration.

We have also helped the Leadership of RR Bulembu to develop a very nice campsite in the mountains around Bulembu and now they are able to hold all camps and trainings camps in that facility. 

In February 2015, we held  our 4th Junior Leader Training Camp (JLTC) with 46 applicants and we are excited to see what God did in and through the lives of these young people. It was exciting to see young people we had worked with as children and teenagers stepping into an active leadership role and helping to train the next generation.

Akki and Alli el Khakour are a powerful young leadership couple who are using their gifts and skills in training and developing new curriculum materials contextualized for the specific cultural and circumstancal needs of the vulnerable children of Bulembu. We are very proud to be partnering with them.


Website Bulembu Foundation: http://www.bulembu.org/



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